Trust Yourself & Be Your Own Best Friend
Trust Yourself & Be Your Own Best FriendLearning to trust ourselves is one of the most important lessons we can learn in life.I always believed that I could “trust myself” and for many years I thought that was the case. But, a few years ago, I had a real experience of this deep inner confidence, the sort that spiritual teachers speak of, and I knew then that up until that point trusting myself had been only an abstract concept for me. It was January, I had just broken up with my now ex-boyfriend and found myself living alone in the mountains. The whole experience was frightening enough, and then one night, around 9pm, during a snowstorm, I slid off the side of the road in my car.My nearest neighbor lived 200 yards away. There is no cell phone signal and I didn’t have winter gear in my car.And, the power had gone out.It was dark.I thought to myself, “I could be stuck up here for days, and no one would even know.” I realized something that night in the cold, isolated darkness:No one is going to rescue me. I’m going to rescue myself.So I did. I left my car until the next day and managed to get back to my house through the thigh-deep snow. I was cold and terrified but I was alive and going to be just fine. And my mountain top realization spread into other aspects of my life.Over the next several months of that dark winter, I spent a lot of time alone. I sang in my car, shared private laughs with myself, and got more intimate with my own body, mind and heart. Suddenly, I felt like I could do anything.t only did I decide to rescue myself, I decided to nurture myself. And become a good friend to myself.For the first time in my life, I felt truly autonomous. I really didn’t need a partner to complete me. Really. I realized that even if I spent the rest of my life single, it would be a sweet life—because I was good company.I learned to be my own partner. That meant not just sharing laughs with myself, but also attending to my own tears, my own panic. I finally learned that I could be trusted to care for myself. It felt amazing!You don’t need to move up to a mountaintop alone in the dead of winter to learn to trust yourself. Everyone has a unique journey to his or her own deepest confidence. Come to our next HoloLive Event with Linda Weber. Saturday December 7th at HoloBeing. Register HERE today!