From relationship intensives to self-paced online resources, Lesley Glenner shares the guidance to repair your relationship and the tools to make it last.
The Path to Wholeness
Unlearn Bond-
Breaking Habits
Repair & Restore
Your Connection
Co-Create a Life
of Wholeness

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl
couples intensives
Whole Relationships:
A 3-month odyssey designed to create bonds that heal.
The Whole Relationships couples intensive is a deeply transformative program designed to empower couples in committed relationships to deepen their connection, discover their individual wholeness, and nurture a harmonious partnership. Through weekly readings and private sessions, you’ll learn to overcome the conflict and communication roadblocks that hold you back and develop crucial skills for co-creating a life of wholeness.
$6000 paid in full, or $2200/month
guided sessions
The guidance you need, as you need it.
For couples or individuals who are not ready to take on an intensive, single therapeutic coaching sessions help you make progress at your pace. We’ll build the foundation for healthy relationships by offering tools, insights, support, and guidance in practicing the skills you need to find (or re-find) harmony within your relationship and your life.
$375 / 90-minute session
quick consults
A healing dose of perspective in-between sessions.
Relationship mishaps and “aha” moments don’t follow a schedule. Quick Consults are a simple way to debrief, ask a question, or gain some fresh perspective in between our sessions. Simply record your question, challenge, or story (video or audio), and I’ll respond with insights, considerations, and a strategy to move forward.
Included in Intensives; $75 for current Guided Sessions clients
online resources
Self-paced courses and insightful resources to step into wholeness.
Understanding how healthy relationships work is the foundation for bonds that heal. Start learning here, where you’ll find The Whole Way blog, couples courses, E-Books, and other resources to guide you.
speaking engagements
Share the power of whole relationships with your gathering.
Whole relationships create whole lives. Invite Lesley Glenner to speak at your event, workshop, or other gathering to inspire your group to reconnect, repair, and revive the relationships in their lives.
Additional Offerings
Discover an authentic, intentional parenting style that aligns with who you are, what you value, and how you like to live. Through private guided work and a community fellowship, we’ll heal your attachment wounds, build healthy communication skills, and develop parenting strategies that nurture your family’s unique needs and goals.
Are you currently pregnant and considering abortion? Or have you had an abortion in the past that you haven’t emotionally healed from? Guided abortion support sessions help you make sense of what you’re feeling, and ease emotional pain and trauma to find your best path forward.
In this holistic approach to business coaching, we work through conscious and unconscious feelings of fear, self-doubt, and insecurity so you can unleash the successful business owner that you have the ability to become.
Gather weekly in an intimate setting to see your professional blindspots, heal business battle wounds, and get tailored guidance from a supportive community.
Are your beliefs about money impacting your mental health and self-worth? Every person, regardless of their past or present financial situation, can cultivate and practice healthy attitudes toward money. Through my method of money counseling, we identify your money patterns, examine the root of your money fears, and create systems that help you heal your relationship with money.

Ready to begin the journey?
Through our work together, you’ll learn the communication skills that create strong relationships—and a whole life.