Visioning process: Holistic thinking & feeling your dreams
You probably have developed your own visioning processes over the years. We encourage you, as you reflect on the past decade, to consider this:
Nowhere in the course of modern life are we given the opportunity to really examine our values in a meaningful way. Many of us inherited our values through osmosis, we swallowed them whole without ever examining them to see if they squared with our own truth and in our own hearts.
Values are passed on implicitly through families, communities, religions. If we are lucky, we may encountered others (parents, grandparents, friends, siblings, teachers, coaches, therapists, etc.) who challenged us to think/ feel for ourselves, supporting us in the incipient practices of values creation.From Lesley's perspective, a values-aligned life allows us to be our best, most effective selves. Said another way, a life full of unexamined values creates discord in our hearts, minds and relationships. True values are close to your heart and contingent upon self-knowledge and self-love.So often we honor values in ourselves that are outdated or that don’t really work for us. And we may go about our lives never realizing that our unexamined goals are actually ‘shoulds’ in disguise aren’t yoked to our personal truths.When our values come from a place of ‘should’ it leads to an incoherence and a constant felt experience of cognitive dissonance.If you're experiencing a disconnect from what you want and how you're living your life today, we encourage you to consider HoloBeing a resource to reach your potential.What do you want to work on this year?Manifesting - processes - - - diplomacy - - drama - - link to comeWhatever is most alive for you, we can help you sort through your goals and priorities to make sure the goals you set are aligned with who your truly are, not who you think you should be. - through individual coaching, therapy, or wellness practitioners or through our space rental or fellowship circle, we'd love to help you develop a realistic yet organic process to make your deepest, most heartfelt dreams come to life. Come work alongside your fellow travelers.
HoloBeing's Fellowship Circle supports holistic businesses owners of all kinds - especially healer-types - to find their business strengths and the business growth strategies that resonate deeply with their being. We support you through exploring your business and money light and shadow so that you can move past deep-seated blocks and grow the business and life that you are capable of. Read more about the one-of-a-kind Fellowship Circle here, the benefits of our group and how you can join.